The magic word that defines this 7th issue of SAFT is teamwork. Even if creative practices rely on the individual as its fundamental agent very much, the ability to collaborate, to join forces in a couple, team or collective is of no less importance to them. This issue of SAFT is about the parallels between King Baudouin of Belgium and groups of radical architecture, between packs of wolves and swarms of birds.
For this edition we met Studiocharlie, an established young Italian design studio from Rovato, and Obelo, a studio of visual communication from Milan, in order to talk, among other things, about the special alchemy that is created when several pairs of hands decide to work, design and draw together, about the potential that arises when a group of people generates an environment where the unexpected can happen.
For this edition we met Studiocharlie, an established young Italian design studio from Rovato, and Obelo, a studio of visual communication from Milan, in order to talk, among other things, about the special alchemy that is created when several pairs of hands decide to work, design and draw together, about the potential that arises when a group of people generates an environment where the unexpected can happen.
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